Chocolate Milkshake – Small, Medium and Large McDonald’s UK

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As you all know Chocolates are one of the most popular sweets among people. People eat chocolates at happy moments, while gifting someone, at a party, when they are in a happy mood, and on many other occasions that happen in everyone’s life.

Chocolate Milkshake is one of the best Milkshakes offered by McDonald’s. It is available in three different sizes so it can satisfy the cravings of all kinds of people.

Whether you’re fully hungry or just want to have a small Milkshake you can have one at McDonald’s. If you do not like the Chocolate Milkshake you can also have a Milkshake made out of fruit called Banana Milkshake.

Chocolate Milks-hake Ingredients

The Milkshake containing chocolate is made with the help of the following ingredients.

  1. Skimmed Milk
  1. Sugar
  1. Cream
  1. Whey Powder
  1. Glucose Syrup
  1. Chocolate Flavour Milkshake Syrup
  1. Cocoa Mass
  1. Butter

McDonald’s Chocolate Milks-hake Price

McDonald’s Chocolate Milkshake comes in three sizes Small, Medium, and Large. The price of all of them is mentioned below.

Small MilkshakeMedium MilkshakeLarge Milkshake

Small Chocolate Milk-shake Nutritional Information

Nutritional InformationPer PortionPercentage Reference Intake of an Adult Person (RI)
Energy in KiloJoules (KJ)80810% RI
Energy in KiloCalories (KCAL)19210% RI
Fat (g)4.16% RI
Of which saturated (g)2.814% RI
Carbohydrates (g)3212% RI
Of which sugar (g)2729% RI
Fiber (g)1.1
Protein (g)5.912% RI
Salt (g)0.356% RI

Medium Chocolate Milkshake Nutritional Information

Nutritional InformationPer PortionPercentage Reference Intake of an Adult Person (RI)
Energy in KiloJoules (KJ)153618% RI
Energy in KiloCalories (KCAL)36418% RI
Fat (g)7.811% RI
Of which saturated (g)5.326% RI
Carbohydrates (g)6124% RI
Of which sugar (g)5056% RI
Fiber (g)2.1
Protein (g)1123% RI
Salt (g)0.6611% RI

Large Chocolate Milkshake Nutritional Information

Nutritional InformationPer PortionPercentage Reference Intake of an Adult Person (RI)
Energy in KiloJoules (KJ)197223% RI
Energy in KiloCalories (KCAL)46823% RI
Fat (g)1014% RI
Of which saturated (g)6.834% RI
Carbohydrates (g)7930% RI
Of which sugar (g)6572% RI
Fiber (g)2.6
Protein (g)1429% RI
Salt (g)0.8514% RI

Mcdonald’s UK opening and closing hours

In some cities or localities, McDonald’s may be open 24/7, but it is not fixed. In the United Kingdom, the general timing for McDonald’s is given below.

Timing for Breakfast Menu

Opening HoursClosing Hours
5:00 AM10:45 AM

Timing for Lunch & Dinner Menu

Opening HoursClosing Hours
10:55 AM4:45 AM

Our Review

A few days ago I ordered the Chocolate Milk-shake at my home through an online delivery app. The rider took about 30 minutes to deliver the order to my doorstep.

After the order arrived outside my home I took the order from it and brought it inside. After opening the milkshake from its packet I saw a big plastic glass of Milkshake with a McDonald’s logo printed on it. 

The milkshake surpassed all my expectations when I tasted it for the first time. The chocolate syrup along with cream, milk, and other ingredients added a delicious taste to the Milkshake.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience while drinking this shake at McDonald’s. If you love eating chocolates then you should definitely try this Milkshake made out of chocolate syrup. You will love it that is for sure.


This Small Milkshake contains 808 kilojoules (KJ) of energy and 192 calories (KCAL).

This Medium Milkshake contains 1536 kilojoules (KJ) of energy and 364 calories (KCAL).

This Large Milkshake contains 1972 kilojoules (KJ) of energy and 468 calories (KCAL).

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